Monday, April 12, 2010


Have just spent an exhausting afternoon sorting through a dear friend's lifetime collection of ufinished projects, fabric and general craft paraphenalia. Thank goodness I had plenty of help as it was rather difficult and very sad. It has really reinforced my conviction to "live my best life" NOW. Onwards and upwards with the project!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

In the beginning

In the middle of next year is a very significant birthday (never mind which one) and therefore, dear non-existant readers, in a bid to save my sanity, I am going to blog my way through the next year and a bit. Can a slightly cuddly, over-educated, currently unemployed housewife quilt and crochet her way to a better organised existance. Here's to a year (and a bit) of healthier eating, finished projects, worthwhile employment and oh yes, we are getting a dog!!