Thursday, September 30, 2010

Frosted donuts!

Slight technical hitch with my blog hence the delay!
I received a lovely parcel in the mail from Piece O'Cake. Not exactly a present (I paid for it!) but a treat just the same. It's called a Frosted Donut and consists of finer cottons specifically for applique. Why do so many quilty things relate to food! Jelly rolls, layer cakes! Hmm. I could make a suggestion but I won't!

Thought I would also include a progress report on my latest quilt just to prove I really have been busy, really I have! The red perle has worked well and my hands have adjusted!

Last day of school holidays today. Bit sad as everyone is back to school on Monday!


  1. I am in awe of your quilt, the design is so pretty.
    PLEASE post photos when you get your puppy!

  2. Your quilt is really beautiful and the red perle works perfectly! (I will definately persevere with it next time I try using it to quilt with!)
    Helen x
