Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Should I admit that I am an idiot?!

I have had the same rotary cutter since I first started patchwork about five years ago. Somehow I always found rotary cutting tedious, difficult and not very accurate. It was also a bit of a pain in the wrist but I decided I had to persist otherwise everything was just too slow. Imagine my amazement when I realised that I had been putting Olfa blades in a Kai handle. That was the clunking I couldn't get rid of! The most amazing thing is that I have admitted this to the outside world!

While I wait for a new handle to arrive (cheaper than throwing away my 10 pack of blades) I managed to cut out this:

...but it was not easy to put together! Entirely my own fault!
It will eventually be put with lots of other blocks as a group surprise for someone. I had better not say any more!

While on my travels I couldn't go past these Lecien fabrics. The colours are lovely and nice to use instead of flat plains.

Oh and spring has finally come to Melbourne. We have gone onto daylight saving time and our darlings are enjoying the sunshine!


  1. Hi Sandra,
    Another rotary confession, used the very same blade for years and years not realising they do need to be changed to avoid cutting off fingers!
    I have used the red Lecien fabric so often already, love the blue and lime shades too though ...

  2. I love your quilt block - such beautiful colours. The Lecien fabric looks gorgeous too. I'm not very happy using my rotary cutter - I don't seem very accurate with it! (might just be me though!)
    Helen x

  3. Hello! I admit sometimes I'm an idiot like yesterday when I couldn't do something with my blog and today I found it immediately! I like very much your 'pin wheele' and your last post is lovely with those threads in all colours!
    Wishes Teje
